Our Impact


In 2016-2017, 326 patients were served, with 225 referred from area hospitals and collaboration sources. Ninety-eight patients returned who had participated in the 2015-2016 program, and 79 patients returned with insurance that paid for their glasses.

Getting the Word Out 

We do outreach through our neighborhood churches, homeless shelters, the United Way’s First Call for Help, low-income CHMA buildings, and neighborhood pharmacies. We’ve discovered, however, that most patients have been referred to us by a friend or neighbor.

Mum-Ford Inc. also collaborates with Metro Health, NEON (Hough Norwood) Clinic, Stephanie Tubbs-Jones Clinic, Cleveland Clinics Cole Eye Institute, and University Hospital Eye Clinic for patient referrals. Care Alliance, CEOGC, and Project Hope also collaborate with us to help pay for and provide general vision examination for patients who do not have current prescriptions. We plan to continue collaborations with these agencies as well as additional agencies and resources.


Annual Expenses


Measuring Success

Success is measured when adult patients improve visual acuity, enabling then to participate in training programs and obtain or maintain employment; children improve in academic performance; seniors avoid serious visual illnesses; and all patients learn to actively participate in social services agency programs. In 2017, Mum-Ford Inc. was able to successfully increase the number of patients served without going over budget.

Number of patients receiving frame-only replacement: 50

Number of patients receiving lens-only replacement: 35

Number of patients referred to our agency: 268

Number of patients we referred to outside agencies: 187

Number of patients who repeated program 

participation due to a prescription change: 122




Why Mum-Ford Inc. Will Be Successful

Mum-Ford Inc. has implemented various and improving programs of preventive visual health care services every year since 1982.

We have met and exceeded our projections and served more patients than projected without going over budget. For more than thirty-four years, we have served no, low, and fixed income patients in our community along with diabetic patients, behavioral health patients, homeless patients, patients with HIV, and re-entry patients. We have collaborated with several outstanding eye clinics, optometrists, and ophthalmologists in the Cleveland area, taking and making referrals. When our equipment is updated, we will have a licensed optometrist on staff.